Origin & Aims

VBC  Origin

The Vellore birth cohort was first established during 1969-74 by Professor P.S.S Sundar Rao, former Professor and Head, Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore. A longitudinal (dynamic) study funded by National Centre for Health Statistics, USA was initiated mainly to study the maternal health and pregnancy outcomes and their relationship with infant mortality.

The VBC thereafter began to follow-up new born babies (Phase 1) through different stages of life such as infancy (Phase 2), childhood (Phase 3, age 6-8 years), adolescence (Phase 4, age 10-15 years) and adulthood (Phase 5 and 6). At each stage, growth measurements such as height and weight were recorded. At adulthood, detailed investigations relating to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are assessed.

The VBC primarily aims to:

  • To actively engage in research focused on early origins of adult health within the VBC
  • To set up a database of early growth measurements and adult body composition that is available for active collaboration to study DOHaD hypothesis.
  • To set up a bioresource of clinical biomarkers and frozen biological specimens for potential use for future research.
  • To organize periodic follow-ups of the VBC participants to monitor health
  • To initiate active collaborations that brings together scientists, clinical researchers, public health professionals and policy makers with common interest in developmental origins theory
  • To promote the interchange of ideas, staff and expertise between various birth cohorts both nationally and across the world
  • To foster young researchers who are interested to study developmental origins using VBC data


Contact us

  Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College,
Vellore – 632002, Tamil Nadu, India
 Contact No.: +91 416 2262703
Email: antoni@cmcvellore.ac.in

 All photos © senthil vasan
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