

Society for the Natal effects on Health in Adults – India (SNEHA -INDIA) was launched under Professor David Barker’s guidance in 1994 along with a group of enthusiastic clinicians and researchers from India along with renowned international scientists. Thereafter, Sneha became one of the oldest registered charitable organisations since 1998 to study mother and child health in relation to adult disease. Sneha continues to work along with several collaborators in India to study the link between early growth and adult onset type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in Asian Indians. More about Sneha can be found at

The VBC is a part of the Sneha-India team since its inception.

The International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) was set up to promote research into the fetal and developmental origins of disease ( The DOHaD concept describes how during early life (conception, pregnancy, infancy and childhood) the interplay between maternal and environmental factors programs (induce physiological changes) growth and development of the fetus and childhood and the impact of such events on long-term consequences on adult health and disease risk.

We are a part of the DOHaD society since 2001 and have been working together as Indian counterpart towards research into early growth and adult health.


Contact us

  Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College,
Vellore – 632002, Tamil Nadu, India
 Contact No.: +91 416 2262703

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